As well as being principal at Amersham Osteopathic Clinic, I am also Consultant in Charge at the Osteopathic Centre for Children’s London clinic (part of the Foundation for Paediatric Osteopathy) and teach theory and practical techniques on the current Diploma course. I am on the Sutherland Cranial College of Osteopathy Teaching Faculty.
I teach Paediatric Osteopathy in Europe for various independent Osteopathic Colleges / Schools and Associations, and offer post graduate osteopathic techniques courses. I chair the Sutherland Cranial College’s research sub-committee, helping organise our cranial research conferences as well as helping to formulate and manage research into cranial osteopathy. I have contributed various articles to post-graduate cranial and paediatric newsletters. I was an invited speaker at the 2012 OsEAN open forum for Osteopathic Education conference on Teaching Research.
I have lectured nationally and internationally on the theory and clinical use of laser therapy to physicians and private practitioners in the musculoskeletal, tissue viability, sports injury and veterinary / equine fields, providing full day, evidence based seminars on low level laser therapy. I provide low laser therapy treatment protocols for musculoskeletal and other conditions for the THOR treatment protocol library.
My post graduate training has included the Diploma in Paediatric Osteopathy, a course in Osteopathic Education specifically for osteopaths who teach and lecture, various visceral osteopathy courses, first aid courses for adults and children. I have completed the modular pathway of the Sutherland Cranial College and am a member of the Sutherland Cranial College. I have also undertaken Dr James Jealous’ Biodynamic Osteopathy phase courses for adults and children.
Teaching Paediatric Osteopathy in Spain